Revolutionary Lessons from Boston

Republic Ballroom

Revolutionary Lessons from Boston Dr. Jonathan Sarna & Barry Shrage We will begin the conference with a dialogue between Dr. Jonathan Sarna, a leading ...

Welcome from the Governor and Reception

Independence Ballroom

Welcome from the Governor and Reception 4:30 PM–6:30 PM Reception in Honor of 40 Years of Women in the Rabbinate in Honor of Governor ...

Mikveh Monologues

Republic Ballroom

Mikveh Monologues 8:30 PM–10:30 PM The Mikveh Monologues shares touching stories of immersion experiences, teaches about the meaning of the ritual, and engages audiences ...

Building an Inclusive, Democratic Israeli Society

Grand Ballroom

Building an Inclusive, Democratic, Israeli Society Dr. Manuel Trajtenberg Professor Manuel Trajtenberg, Professor of Economics at Tel Aviv University since 1984, is one of ...

Herding Cats and Other Leadership Challenges

Grand Ballroom

Herding Cats and Other Leadership Challenges Dr. Martha Minow sponsored by the Rabbi Balfour Brickner Rabbinic Training Program of the Religious Action Center of Reform ...

Community Organizing

Grand Ballroom

Community Organizing 9:15 AM—10:15 AM Dr. Marshall Ganz Keter Torah: 1 hour

From Boston to Southern California: Journey Towards Our Future

Grand Ballroom

From Boston to Southern California: Journey Towards Our Future 2013 Convention Committee Reception sponsored by IsramWorld The simple act of conversation can be transformational when people speak their authentic truth, listen deeply, make space for reflection, and allow what is being said to touch their minds and hearts. And in a world where speed, multi-tasking, […]

The Jacob Rader Marcus Memorial Lecture on American Jewish History

Grand Ballroom

The Jacob Rader Marcus Memorial Lecture on American Jewish History sponsored by the Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives   8:00 PM— 10:00 PM How Religion Divides and Unites Americans... And Why It's Basically Good For the Jews Dr. Robert Putnam