Finding Our Way to the God of Torah

Berkeley Room

Rachel Timoner Lightning on the mountain. Plagues as punishment. War and bloodshed. The God of Torah can be difficult to relate to, even alienating, ...

Community Organizing

Grand Ballroom

Community Organizing 9:15 AM—10:15 AM Dr. Marshall Ganz Keter Torah: 1 hour


Board Room

Kirk Jones

The Best Practice of Mentors and Mentees

Beacon D Room

Sam Joseph There are mainly four types of mentors: Career Guide — promotes development through career guidance, counseling and visibility; Information Source — provides information about ...

Music and the Interiority Complex

Dalton Room

Josh Jacobson Pre-registration is required. Session is capped at 40 participants. We will struggle with some of these questions: Can music create holiness? How? ...

Teaching Hebrew: Raising the Bar

Liberty A , United States

Dr. Vardit Ringvald The impact of the Hebrew language on our children's sense of self is increasingly in the spotlight. What a different picture ...

Holy in the Whole

Exeter Room

Josh Nelson Exploring the spirituality of secular music and its place in worship: a conversation with Josh Nelson.

Open Committee Lunch Meetings

Atid Legacy Society Liberty C Committee on Disability Awareness and Inclusion Jefferson Room Board of Appeals (Closed Meeting) Ethics Process Review Hampton Room Israel ...

A Visit to Mayyim Hayyim

Mayyim Hayyim 1838 Washington Street, Newton, MA, United States

Pre-registration is required. Session is capped at 35 participants.  There is no cost to this trip. Come for an up-close look at this local institution ...


Meeting with Rick Jacobs

Republic Ballroom

Join with our colleague Rick Jacobs to talk about the URJ and engaging Jews in the 21st Century.  Dessert will be served. Sponsored by ...

Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team

Dalton Room

Russ Sabia For all the talk about the importance of teamwork by leaders, it is largely untapped and unrealized in most organizations. Many organizations ...

Judaism Confronting Science

Clarendon Room

Dr. Phil Cohen. Dr. Jonathan Crane, Geoffery Mitelman For centuries Judaism understood science to be a partner. Jewish thinkers did not see a contradiction ...