The Yom Kippur Afternoon Experience: More Than Waiting to Eat

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The Yom Kippur Afternoon Experience: More Than Waiting to Eat
Mar 21 2:00 pm
Mar 21 3:15 pm
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Feb 21
Hampton Room

Leon Morris and Eddie Goldberg with Janet Marder, Shelly Marder, Elaine Zecher and Peter Berg

Through the years, many congregations have taken the opportunity to use creative endeavors at this point in the day, such as healing services, poetry readings, and musical interludes. Other congregations have chosen to harken back to the Avodah service, which others are trying to figure out what to do. We’ve explored these questions and look forward to a robust discussion and sharing of experiences and ideas about how to plan for this pinnacle moment of the Yom Kippur experience, as we also offer a preview of our thoughts and direction vis-à-vis the new machzor.

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