

Revolutionary Lessons from Boston | Dr. Jonathan Sarna & Mr. Barry Shrage Sunday, March 18 5:00 PM Convention began with a dialogue between Dr. Jonathan Sarna, a leading scholar of American Jewish history, and Barry Shrage, the innovative President of Combined Jewish Philanthropies (Boston’s Jewish Federation). We explored what has transformed the Boston Jewish community and how that has been shaped through its unique history and present...

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Harold Kushner and Seeing the Invisible God

Managed to get to Rabbi Harold Kushner’s session on Seeing the Invisible God this afternoon (after hanging with the wife on Newbury St., catching up with my coach, and seeing my parents and son who’d spent the day together. My dad (Rabbi Harold Robinson) described the talk as a series of ‘petichtot and nechemtot’, and I’d say that was pretty accurate. As a result I’ll give you some of the various pithy...

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Rabbi Gunther Plaut z”l

Durng the Azkarah yesterday morning, among the names was, of course, Rabbi Gunther Plaut. If you’re reading this, then you already know what a giant he was in our movement, and of the almost unfathomable impact he had as editor and primary author of “The Plaut Commentary” or, if you prefer, “The Plaut-Bamberger Commentary.” I had the privilege of serving as Associate Rabbi at Holy Blossom Temple, where he was the...

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Supporting the Hyatt workers

In case you don’t remember, there is a reason that we are having this convention in the Sheraton. Or, more precisely, why we’re not having it in a Hyatt. A few years ago, the Hyatt hotel fired it’s cleaning staff, and contracted out to an agency. They saved themselves money, but deeply hurt their workers. The Reform Movement was among many who protested, and we continue to do so in part by refusing to give Hyatt our business. I...

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611 women rabbis

In the spirit of Passover when we sing who knows one Monday morning the CCAR conference honored the 610 women who have been ordained since the first, Sally Priesand was ordained in 1972. That makes 611 women rabbis. There are some who thought, “oh if only there were two more then there would be 613, a parallel to the number of commandments!” Then this morning, Rabbi Art Green, Ph.D., taught that the numerical value of the word...

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Visit the Exhibitors!

Please be sure to stop by the exhibit hall to see all of the great things that they have to offer! You can take a look at our interactive map, as well as a full exhibitor listing.

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The Central Conference of American Rabbis Responds to the Shooting in Toulouse, France

Tragic News Reaches 500 Reform Rabbis Gathered in Boston At the Start of Morning Prayer Service of the Annual Convention of the CCAR FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Shira Dicker shira.dicker@sd-media.com  917.403.3989 March 19, 2012 (New York, NY) –  The 500 Reform rabbis gathered in Boston for the annual conference  of the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR) received news of the shooting in Toulouse, France while going into...

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Art Green at CCAR: Theology as Personal Story

Art Green spoke this morning at the CCAR, which was (along with being in Boston and seeing classmates) the biggest draw for me. I’ve been studying his works–both his theological works and his books on chasidut–since I was in college. He started by pointing out the delicacy of speaking as someone outside the movement, which reminded me of Heschel’s speech to the CCAR in the 1950s. While that speech was not particularly...

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Life is a Challenge?

So on my way to T’fillah I stopped by the gym for my morning workout I saw the words painted on the side of the wall: “LIfe Is a Challenge”. I’m sure it was meant to be a motivator for exercise, but at the CCAR it gives me pause. Sure it makes for good blues riffs, but good theology it ain’t. Yeah, I know if I’m looking to the wall of the gym for theology (especially in a hotel) then I’m in trouble, but...

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Sweet as honey

“Sweet as honey on our tongues” is what we wish for the words of Torah and Torah study to be per Dan Nichols’ popular tune and it was with these words the CCAR conference in Boston began. And it was right into study and presentation the convention began. Dr. Jonathan Sarna of Brandeis University and Barry Shrage of Combined Jewish Philanthropies were guided in dialogue by Rabbi Denise Eger about the Boston Jewish community,...

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Boston: Here we are

I am so excited to be here in Boston! It started great with an upgrade on the flight here. And I can see Fenway from my room! I think this is a great omen. I have already registered and visited with some dear friends! I’m loving this convention already! Congratulations to Brian Z and Debbie B. You have worked so hard to make this convention the best yet. The program looks terrific. I look forward to seeing you!

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Welcome to Boston!

Boston inhabits a distinctive space in Jewish history: a space of tradition, transformation and extraordinary scholarship. Its many learning institutions, congregations, and community organizations inherit the revolutions of the past and foster future revolutions, with an eye toward new definitions of community engagement. Boston’s scholars, teachers and community members are paving the paths of leadership. Our time together in...

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Can’t wait for Boston!

I am so excited for our Boston Conference! I am looking forward to seeing friends and colleagues and the workshops look fantastic. Have you checked the schedule yet? So many choices. It is hard to know where to begin. Don’t forget as well to sign up for Keter Torah which is recognition of the continuing education and Torah learning that you do. The hours are recognized by the Conference and in fact if you had tracked your hours and...

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