Dennis S. Ross

Rabbi Ross is a rabbi at Congregation Beth Emeth in Albany, N. Y. and has served synagogues in New York, Washington, D.C. and Massachusetts.
Rabbi Ross’ third book, All Politics is Religious: Speaking Faith to the Media, Policy Makers and Community, will be released by SkyLight Paths Publishing this spring. His most recent book, God in Our Relationships: Spirituality between People from the Teachings of Martin Buber is released by Jewish Lights Publishing as is his contribution to the LifeLights Series, “Abortion and Judaism.” He has written for The New York Times, The Boston Globe, The Jewish Daily Forward, and he blogs for Religion Dispatches and RH Reality Check.
Rabbi Ross earned a B. A. in Psychology from Queens College of the City University of New York, an
M. A. in Hebrew Literature from the Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion in New York where he was ordained as Rabbi, the Master of Social Work degree from New York University and the Primary Certificate in Rational-Emotive Therapy from the Albert Ellis Institute. He is certified in All-Options Counseling by the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice through the Auburn Theological Seminary. An honorary Doctor of Divinity from Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion included recognition of his advocacy work for reproductive rights and stem cell research.
He has taught at Hebrew Union College, Manhattanville College and Williams College and was an Associate of the Faculty of the University of Massachusetts Medical School where he taught bio-medical ethics. He has led pastoral care and on-camera media training workshops for the Central Conference of American Rabbis, the National Association of Social Workers, the National Association of Jewish Chaplains, and the National Abortion Federation.
He travels frequently to speak about reproductive rights, stem cell research, end-of-life, spirituality and the separation of church and state.