
Arnie Gluck

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Arnie Gluck

Rabbi Gluck has served as rabbi of Temple Beth-El of Hillsborough, New Jersey, since 1991. Together with his co-workers, Rabbi Gluck has pioneered programs in Adult Jewish Literacy, Hebrew, Outreach, Family Education, Youth Activities, Social Action, Jewish Healing, Caring Community, and Interfaith Dialogue.

Rabbi Gluck was among the founders of the Interfaith Hospitality Network for the Homeless of Union County and Somerset County, served as president of the Somerville Area Ministerial Association, was the founding Dean of Jewish LIFE (Learning is for Everyone — a community-wide consortium for Adult Jewish Learning), and was among the founders of the Ohr Tikvah Jewish Healing Center.

Beyond the local community, Rabbi Gluck has served on the Executive Committee of the Reform Movement’s Commission on Outreach, contributing to a variety of its publications and co-authoring its Taste of Judaism program. He was the founding Coordinator of the Beit Din for Conversion of the New Jersey Association of Reform Rabbis and has served on the CCAR Conversion Committee. Rabbi Gluck currently serves on the CCAR Responsa Committee.

After receiving rabbinic ordination in 1983, Rabbi Gluck served as Associate Rabbi at Temple Emanu-El of Westfield, New Jersey. From 1986 to 1991, he lived in Haifa, Israel, where he served the Reform Movement’s Leo Baeck Education Center as Director of the Lehrman Community Center and rabbi of Congregation Ohel Avraham. During that time he played an active role in the Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism, helping to develop its community outreach programs and the Israel Council of Progressive Rabbis. He was also a founding member of Clergy For Peace and Rabbis for Human Rights.

After returning from Israel, Rabbi Gluck served on the Board of the Association of Reform Zionists of America (ARZA). He is a member of the Executive Committee of ARZA’s Rabbinic Cabinet, was a member of the American Zionist Movement Cabinet, served on the board of the United Israel Appeal, and has been honored by the Jewish Federation and Israel Bonds.

Rabbi Gluck received Rabbinic Ordination and a Master of Arts in Hebrew Literature from the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York. He is an alumnus of the University of Albany and the One-Year Program of The Hebrew University in Jerusalem.