Calendar of Events › Tuesday, March 20th
2013 Convention Committee Meeting
Closed Meeting
A Maariv Musical Experience
Josh Nelson and Josh Zweiback
Dinner with Friends
Why dine alone? Come to the concierge desk at 7:30 PM and meet new friends for dinner.
HUC-JIR Alumni Dinners
Celebrate 1, 5, 10, 18, 25, 30 or 50 years in the rabbinate with your classmates at dinner!
Reception for All Sponsors and Donors
Reception for All Sponsors and Donors
6:30 PM–7:30 PM
All rabbis who helped underwrite the costs of our Convention programs or donated to the Annual Giving Campaign, and their spouses/partners, are invited.
Leading With, and Not Alone: Community Organizing and “Relational Power”
Lila Foldes, Stephanie Kolin
Enhancing Prayer with Technology
Peter Levi, Dan Medwin, Ron Segal
On-Camera Media Training for Rabbis (II)
Dennis Ross and Sarah Standiford
This session requires pre-registration. Session is capped at 8 participants. (more…)
Opening the Gates to Bar and Bat Mitzvah
Arlene Remz
The Three Themes of the Shofar Service and Their Reverberations Throughout the Days of Awe
Peter Berg, Eddie Goldberg, Janet Marder, Shelly Marder, Leon Morris, Elaine Zecher
Finding Our Way to the God of Torah
Rachel Timoner
You’re Not Really That Bad, Or Are You: Sin, Wrongdoing and Missing the Mark in High Holy Day Liturgy
Peter Berg, Eddie Goldberg, Janet Marder, Shelly Marder, Leon Morris, Elaine Zecher
Learning to See an Invisible God
Harold Kushner
Pre-Marital Counseling
Dr. Paula Brody
The Foundations of Social Media for Rabbis
Lisa Colton
On-Camera Media Training for Rabbis (I)
Dennis Ross and Sarah Standiford
This session requires pre-registration. Session is capped at 8 participants.
Successfully Navigating the Senior-Second Rabbi Dynamic
Andrea Goldstein, Ronne Friedman, Shelly Zimmerman
I Can Ask For That? Rabbinic Contract Negotiations Deconstructed
Michael Gan, Martha Hausman, and Abby Kelman
Touchstone Texts on Leadership
Rick Jacobs
Divorce and Get: Current Legal and Religious Possibilities to Reduce Pain and Provide Support
Rachel Goldman, Amy Scheinerman
Liturgical Uses of Poetry: Sometimes It Works, Sometimes It Doesn’t
Shelly Marder and Janet Marder with Peter Berg, Eddie Goldberg, Leon Morris, and Elaine Zecher
On-Camera Media Training for Rabbis: What to Do When a Reporter Calls
Dennis Ross and Sarah Standiford
This session requires pre-registration.