Touchstone Texts on Leadership

Fairfax Room

Rick Jacobs From Rabbi Eleazar in the Talmud to contemporary teachers of leadership including Abraham Joshua Heschel, Marge Piercy, Rabbi Jack Stern, Rabbi Elka ...

Learning to See an Invisible God

Gardner Room

Harold Kushner Drawing from Parashat Vayera, we will consider how rabbis can help people recognize when God becomes manifest in their lives.

Finding Our Way to the God of Torah

Berkeley Room

Rachel Timoner Lightning on the mountain. Plagues as punishment. War and bloodshed. The God of Torah can be difficult to relate to, even alienating, ...

Music and the Interiority Complex

Dalton Room

Josh Jacobson Pre-registration is required. Session is capped at 40 participants. We will struggle with some of these questions: Can music create holiness? How? ...

Judaism Confronting Science

Clarendon Room

Dr. Phil Cohen. Dr. Jonathan Crane, Geoffery Mitelman For centuries Judaism understood science to be a partner. Jewish thinkers did not see a contradiction ...