

Try some of the great area restaurants.

Opening Reception

Grand Ballroom Prefunction

Opening Reception 6:30 PM–7:30 PM sponsored by ARZA World/Da'at Educational Expeditions

Opening Dinner

Grand Ballroom

Opening Dinner 7:30 PM–9:30 PM Motzi Boston Area Rabbis Birkat HaMazon Atid Society


2013 Convention Committee Meeting (Closed Meeting) SWARR Regional Lunch (Closed Meeting)

Welcome from the Governor and Reception

Independence Ballroom

Welcome from the Governor and Reception 4:30 PM–6:30 PM Reception in Honor of 40 Years of Women in the Rabbinate in Honor of Governor ...

WRN Dinner

Commonwealth Room

For CCAR women rabbis, by reservation only.

Dinner with Friends

Why dine alone? Come to the concierge desk at 6:00 pm and meet new friends for dinner.


Grand Ballroom

Breakfast (A Morning for Israel) 7:45 AM–8:30 AM sponsored by ARZA


12:15 PM–1:30PM Communities of Practice (CoP) Lunch Commonwealth Room

Communities of Practice Lunch

Commonwealth Room

Meet with your Community of Practice, or come to join one.  Create a CoP, or learn about them. Bring your own lunch.

Reception for All Sponsors and Donors

Commonwealth Room

Reception for All Sponsors and Donors 6:30 PM–7:30 PM All rabbis who helped underwrite the costs of our Convention programs or donated to the ...

HUC-JIR Alumni Dinners

Celebrate 1, 5, 10, 18, 25, 30 or 50 years in the rabbinate with your classmates at dinner! For members of the classes of ...

Dinner with Friends

Why dine alone? Come to the concierge desk at 7:30 PM and meet new friends for dinner.

HUC-JIR Breakfast

Republic Ballroom

HUC-JIR Breakfast 7:30 AM–8:30 AM sponsored by HUC-JIR including Class Roll Call


12:00 PM-12:45 PM Open Committee Lunch Meetings 12:45 PM-1:00PM Meeting with Rick Jacobs

Open Committee Lunch Meetings

Atid Legacy Society Liberty C Committee on Disability Awareness and Inclusion Jefferson Room Board of Appeals (Closed Meeting) Ethics Process Review Hampton Room Israel ...

Dinner with Friends

Why dine alone? Come to the concierge desk at 6:00 PM and meet new friends for dinner.

Closing Reception

Independence Ballroom

Closing Reception 10:00 PM–11:00 PM sponsored by Ayelet Tours, Ltd.