PD 5
Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team
Dalton RoomRuss Sabia For all the talk about the importance of teamwork by leaders, it is largely untapped and unrealized in most organizations. Many organizations - filled with talented, committed people […]
Prepping for Placement: What to do Before You Go into Placement
Jefferson RoomAlan Henkin In this informal session we will talk about the preparatory steps rabbis can take before they enter placement. We will take up rabbinic resume writing, as well as […]
Consensus Decision-Making: Pursuing Peace in Our Leadership & Governance
Berkeley RoomLarry Dressler and Sam Joseph As leaders, tired of the meeting after the meeting in the parking lot? Frustrated by the ‘after-meeting’ in the hallway? The primary goal of the […]
Rabbinic Fundraising Success: Strategies, Tactics and Practice
Beacon D RoomDavid Altshuler and Steven Fox Setting goals and timetables, understanding philanthropic pyramids, making the case for support, prospect research, choreographing engagement and teamwork--a discussion of some issues and theories, as […]
The Yom Kippur Afternoon Experience: More Than Waiting to Eat
Hampton RoomLeon Morris and Eddie Goldberg with Janet Marder, Shelly Marder, Elaine Zecher and Peter Berg Through the years, many congregations have taken the opportunity to use creative endeavors at this […]
Inside the Rabbis’ Study: Insights and Advice From Colleagues Serving As Solo Congregational Rabbis
Exeter RoomStephanie Alexander, Joseph Meszler This is an exciting opportunity for us to hear from three colleagues serving in solo pulpits. Come hear their stories and experiences – from the wonderful […]