Transforming Reality – The Potential of Leadership Guided by Love

Clarendon Room

Ebn Leader In a world torn by violence and division, what form of leadership can guide us to healing? Come learn with Rabbi Ebn Leader as he explores an approach to leadership that could be useful for our times. Rabbi Leader turns to a surprising place for his insight, wrestling with the charismatic, miracle-working rabbi/teacher […]

Spirituality and Social Justice: Striving for Integration

Dalton Room

Or Rose Drawing on teachings from the traditions of Kabbalah, Mussar, and Hasidism, as well as the writings of such modern religious activists as Thomas Merton, Dorothy Day, and Abraham Joshua Heschel, we will explore the ongoing challenge of Tikkun Ha-Middot and Tikkun Olam.  How do we understand the relationship between the practices of Torah […]

Touchstone Texts on Leadership

Fairfax Room

Rick Jacobs From Rabbi Eleazar in the Talmud to contemporary teachers of leadership including Abraham Joshua Heschel, Marge Piercy, Rabbi Jack Stern, Rabbi Elka ...

Resilience in Rabbinic Work

Steven A. Fox and Deborah Prinz For CCAR Coaches and Consultants Working with Rabbis Closed Meeting


12:15 PM–1:30PM Communities of Practice (CoP) Lunch Commonwealth Room

Pre-Marital Counseling

Clarendon Room

Dr. Paula Brody Most couples will seek out a clergy connection before their marriage. For interfaith couples, this interaction is often pivotal. How can clergy turn pre-marital meetings, whether with […]

The Foundations of Social Media for Rabbis

Exeter Room

Lisa Colton Social media is powerfully influencing the way individuals engage and organizations operate. This democratization of access to information, support for relationships and empowerment of individuals is great news […]

On-Camera Media Training for Rabbis (I)

Board Room

Dennis Ross and Sarah Standiford This session requires pre-registration. Session is capped at 8 participants. “Should I take this interview? How do I craft my message and avoid tricky questions? […]

Moses & Hasidism: Reflections on Leadership

Dalton Room

Or Rose Like so many interpreters before and after them, the early Hasidic masters engage the figure of Moses in different ways as they seek to articulate their own visions of Jewish communal leadership. When does Moses—as presented in both biblical and post-biblical sources—serve as a positive or negative model for these mystical exegetes and […]

Learning to See an Invisible God

Gardner Room

Harold Kushner Drawing from Parashat Vayera, we will consider how rabbis can help people recognize when God becomes manifest in their lives.

Enhancing Prayer with Technology

Exeter Room

Peter Levi, Dan Medwin, Ron Segal From stone tablets, to parchment, to bound and printed books, Jews have been regular adopters of new technology for the purposes of study and […]

On-Camera Media Training for Rabbis (II)

Board Room

Dennis Ross and Sarah Standiford This session requires pre-registration. Session is capped at 8 participants. “Should I take this interview? How do I craft my message and avoid tricky questions? […]

Opening the Gates to Bar and Bat Mitzvah

Jefferson Room

Arlene Remz For the past eight years, Gateways: Access to Jewish Education, Boston’s central address for Jewish special education, has prepared dozens of youngsters with disabilities for Bar and Bat […]

Finding Our Way to the God of Torah

Berkeley Room

Rachel Timoner Lightning on the mountain. Plagues as punishment. War and bloodshed. The God of Torah can be difficult to relate to, even alienating, for our congregants, and for us. How might we connect our own spiritual practices and beliefs with this God? Join with Rabbi Rachel Timoner of Leo Baeck Temple in Los Angeles […]

Reception for All Sponsors and Donors

Commonwealth Room

Reception for All Sponsors and Donors 6:30 PM–7:30 PM All rabbis who helped underwrite the costs of our Convention programs or donated to the ...

HUC-JIR Alumni Dinners

Celebrate 1, 5, 10, 18, 25, 30 or 50 years in the rabbinate with your classmates at dinner! For members of the classes of 2011, 2007, 2002, 1994, 1987, 1982, and 1962 who registered for the class reunion dinner on the Convention registration form. The HUC-JIR Office of Alumni Affairs has reserved a table for […]

Dinner with Friends

Why dine alone? Come to the concierge desk at 7:30 PM and meet new friends for dinner.