Calendar of Events › Learning
The Jacob Rader Marcus Memorial Lecture on American Jewish History
The Jacob Rader Marcus Memorial Lecture on American Jewish History
sponsored by the Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives
8:00 PM— 10:00 PM
How Religion Divides and Unites Americans… And Why It’s Basically Good For the Jews
Dr. Robert Putnam
Think Tank for Reform Judaism
Closed Meeting
From Boston to Southern California: Journey Towards Our Future
From Boston to Southern California: Journey Towards Our Future
2013 Convention Committee
Judaism Confronting Science
Dr. Phil Cohen. Dr. Jonathan Crane, Geoffery Mitelman
Ahad Ha’Am and the Reform Movement: On the Prospects for Modern Judaism (Taught in Hebrew)
Michael Marmur
Inside the Rabbis’ Study: Insights and Advice From Colleagues Serving As Solo Congregational Rabbis
Stephanie Alexander, Joseph Meszler
The Yom Kippur Afternoon Experience: More Than Waiting to Eat
Leon Morris and Eddie Goldberg with Janet Marder, Shelly Marder, Elaine Zecher and Peter Berg
Rabbinic Fundraising Success: Strategies, Tactics and Practice
David Altshuler and Steven Fox
Consensus Decision-Making: Pursuing Peace in Our Leadership & Governance
Larry Dressler and Sam Joseph
Meeting with Rick Jacobs
Join with our colleague Rick Jacobs to talk about the URJ and engaging Jews in the 21st Century. Dessert will be served.
Sponsored by URJ Camp and Israel Programs
A Visit to Mayyim Hayyim
Pre-registration is required. Session is capped at 35 participants. There is no cost to this trip. (more…)
Open Committee Lunch Meetings
- Atid Legacy Society
Liberty C - Committee on Disability Awareness and Inclusion
Jefferson Room - Board of Appeals
(Closed Meeting) - Ethics Process Review
Hampton Room - Israel and MARAM Rabbis
Gardner Room - Committee on Justice, Peace, and Religious Liberties
Berkeley Room - Committee on Revenue Enhancement
Clarendon Room - Committee on Worship and Practices
Dalton Room
The Child in the Halakhah (Freehof Institute for Progressive Halakhah)
Walter Jacobs, Ruth Langer, Brian Stoller
Revisioning Jewishness: Cosmopolitan Creativity and Jewish Peoplehood
Dr. Sylvia Barack Fishman
Music and the Interiority Complex
Josh Jacobson
Pre-registration is required. Session is capped at 40 participants.
Bringing Shavat Vayinafash into the Everyday
Larry Dressler
Holy in the Whole
Josh Nelson
B’nai Mitzvah: The Tail That (Sometimes) Wags The Dog
Lila Foldes, Jonathan Stein
Teaching Hebrew: Raising the Bar
Dr. Vardit Ringvald
The Best Practice of Mentors and Mentees
Sam Joseph
Legal Issues for Rabbis and Congregations: An Examination of An Array of Changing Legal Issues Affecting Rabbis
David Saperstein
Community Organizing
Community Organizing
9:15 AM—10:15 AM
Dr. Marshall Ganz
Keter Torah: 1 hour
Keter Torah: 1 hour
On-Camera Media Training for Rabbis (II)
Dennis Ross and Sarah Standiford
This session requires pre-registration. Session is capped at 8 participants. (more…)