PD 4
B’nai Mitzvah: The Tail That (Sometimes) Wags The Dog
Clarendon RoomLila Foldes, Jonathan Stein Join with colleagues to discuss how they are rethinking their own b'nai mitzvah work with an emphasis on shifting culture towards creating deeper relationships. Join us […]
Board RoomKirk Jones
Legal Issues for Rabbis and Congregations: An Examination of An Array of Changing Legal Issues Affecting Rabbis
Fairfax RoomDavid Saperstein Among these are the implications of the recent Supreme Court “Ministerial Exception” case; recent lawsuits on parsonage; “Do’s and Don’t’s” in the 2012 Election; sexual harassment abuse issues; […]
The Best Practice of Mentors and Mentees
Beacon D RoomSam Joseph There are mainly four types of mentors: Career Guide — promotes development through career guidance, counseling and visibility; Information Source — provides information about formal and informal expectations; Friend — interacts […]
Teaching Hebrew: Raising the Bar
Liberty A , United StatesDr. Vardit Ringvald The impact of the Hebrew language on our children's sense of self is increasingly in the spotlight. What a different picture when they approach their Bar/Bat Mitzvah […]
Holy in the Whole
Exeter RoomJosh Nelson Exploring the spirituality of secular music and its place in worship: a conversation with Josh Nelson.
Bringing Shavat Vayinafash into the Everyday
Berkeley RoomLarry Dressler One of the paradoxes of the rabbinate is that we who are most devoted to repairing the world often find ourselves in a state of disrepair. Too often […]