PD 2
Pre-Marital Counseling
Clarendon RoomDr. Paula Brody Most couples will seek out a clergy connection before their marriage. For interfaith couples, this interaction is often pivotal. How can clergy turn pre-marital meetings, whether with […]
The Foundations of Social Media for Rabbis
Exeter RoomLisa Colton Social media is powerfully influencing the way individuals engage and organizations operate. This democratization of access to information, support for relationships and empowerment of individuals is great news […]
On-Camera Media Training for Rabbis (I)
Board RoomDennis Ross and Sarah Standiford This session requires pre-registration. Session is capped at 8 participants. “Should I take this interview? How do I craft my message and avoid tricky questions? […]
Successfully Navigating the Senior-Second Rabbi Dynamic
Jefferson RoomAndrea Goldstein, Ronne Friedman, Shelly Zimmerman Many of us spend much of our careers in working relationships with other rabbis. Come learn with some of the best about how to […]
I Can Ask For That? Rabbinic Contract Negotiations Deconstructed
Berkeley RoomMichael Gan, Martha Hausman, and Abby Kelman Contract negotiations can be awkward, confusing and tense but they don’t have to be. You will learn about considerations for being represented, how […]