Learning Block 1
Social/Digital Media in Jewish Life
Exeter RoomJordyne Wu Your congregants are online -- are you? Learn how to use internet marketing and social media to reach out to new members and engage existing members. Use simple […]
On-Camera Media Training for Rabbis: What to Do When a Reporter Calls
Board RoomDennis Ross and Sarah Standiford This session requires pre-registration. “Should I take this interview? How do I craft my message and avoid tricky questions? What works on-camera?” Even a little […]
Liturgical Uses of Poetry: Sometimes It Works, Sometimes It Doesn’t
Hampton RoomShelly Marder and Janet Marder with Peter Berg, Eddie Goldberg, Leon Morris, and Elaine Zecher Many of us use poetry in our services. Poetry has the power to take us […]
Divorce and Get: Current Legal and Religious Possibilities to Reduce Pain and Provide Support
Jefferson RoomRachel Goldman, Amy Scheinerman This informative workshop will combine many elements designed to be useful in your rabbinate, including both legal and religious information regarding divorce and get options. On […]
Making the Most of the “Wet Hair Moment:” Orchestrating a Meaningful Immersion Experience For Your Conversion Candidate
Berkeley RoomLisa Berman This workshop will explore a variety of questions about the conversion immersion experience. How do conversion candidates prepare for the actual immersion? Is it appropriate for family and […]
Transforming Reality – The Potential of Leadership Guided by Love
Clarendon RoomEbn Leader In a world torn by violence and division, what form of leadership can guide us to healing? Come learn with Rabbi Ebn Leader as he explores an approach to leadership that could be useful for our times. Rabbi Leader turns to a surprising place for his insight, wrestling with the charismatic, miracle-working rabbi/teacher […]
Spirituality and Social Justice: Striving for Integration
Dalton RoomOr Rose Drawing on teachings from the traditions of Kabbalah, Mussar, and Hasidism, as well as the writings of such modern religious activists as Thomas Merton, Dorothy Day, and Abraham Joshua Heschel, we will explore the ongoing challenge of Tikkun Ha-Middot and Tikkun Olam. How do we understand the relationship between the practices of Torah […]
Touchstone Texts on Leadership
Fairfax RoomRick Jacobs From Rabbi Eleazar in the Talmud to contemporary teachers of leadership including Abraham Joshua Heschel, Marge Piercy, Rabbi Jack Stern, Rabbi Elka ...
How Did Moshe Manage to be Rabbenu to 600,000 Unappreciative Congregants?
Gardner RoomHarold Kushner This text study will look at Moshe as rabbinic exemplar. Drawing from Rabbi Kushner’s book on Moses, entitled, “Overcoming Life’s Disappointments,” we will consider how faith is the best antidote to frustration.