Linda Thal

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Spiritual Director

  • Maintaining awareness of God/the Holy in everyday life
  • Developing and deepening spiritual practice
  • Renewing a sense of K’dushah in rabbinical work
  • Staying connected through periods of spiritual aridity
  • Exploring the nexus between one’s own prayer life and leading prayer

Spiritual Direction provides a structured time and a contemplative setting in which individuals can explore and deepen their spiritual life.  One may bring explicitly spiritual issues – one’s experience of prayer, changing relationship with God, challenges with spiritual practice – or one may choose  to focus on more seemingly mundane issues – family, work, career, friendship, problematic behavior, successes , dreams – to the reflective conversation.   In either case, we explore these issues from a spiritual perspective.  Unlike psychotherapy or pastoral counseling, spiritual direction does not assume that there is a problem that needs to be fixed;  the primary goal is spiritual growth, openness to self, God, and others.  I direct a program of training for Jewish spiritual directors; much of my own practice is with rabbis and rabbinic students.  For more information about spiritual direction and the Morei Derekh training program, see